O jornal reptiliano apresenta:
HOLY HORRORS(A compilation of religion news by James A. Haught, newspaper editor, Prometheus Books author, and Free Inquiry senior editor.)
1998Jan. 29 - A bomb presumably planted by "pro-life" killers shattered an abortion clinic at Birmingham, killing its security guard and critically injuring a nurse. It was America's sixth "pro-life" murder since 1993.Jan. 25 - Hindu suicide bombers killed themselves and a dozen others at Sri Lanka's holiest Buddhist shrine, the Temple of the Tooth, which supposedly houses one of Buddha's teeth. The attack was part of a 15-year war between Hindus and Buddhists which has killed 51,000 people on the island south of India.Jan. 25 - Muslim militants who want to split Kashmir away from India massacred 23 Hindus and burned parts of their village. The eight-year Hindu-Muslim conflict in Kashmir has killed 15,000.Jan. 23 - A devout Hindu in Ventura, CA, sued Taco Bell because the restaurant accidentally served him a burrito with meat in it. He was so traumatized, he said, that he couldn't sleep or work, and had to travel to England to be purified by Hindu masters.January - Members of a Taiwanese cult who think God will arrive in a UFO moved to Garland, TX, because the name sounds like "God land" - but later relocated to Indiana and declared that Gary will be the site of the miraculous event.Jan. 18 - In Sayville, NY, a woman suffocated her teen-age daughter with a plastic bag because she believed that a demon had taken possession of the girl.January - The holy month of Ramadan brought the worst massacres in Algeria's six-year religious war. In almost nightly raids, Muslim terrorists chopped more than 1,000 villagers to death with hatchets and cut the throats of women and children.January - A month-long binge of Catholic-Protestant murders wracked Ulster after Catholic assassins killed Billy "King Rat" Wright, the imprisoned chief of a Protestant gang. The dozen killings threatened to halt peace talks in Northern Ireland.Jan. 11 - Violence between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims in Pakistan peaked when two Sunnis on a motorcycle invaded a Shi'ite ritual at a cemetery and opened fire with rifles, killing 28 and wounding 30. In the aftermath, thousands of Shi'ites rioted.1997Dec. 23 - The treasurer of St. Joseph's Cathedral at Wheeling, WV, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for stealing $300,000 from the church.Dec. 22 - Two Orthodox rabbis pleaded guilty to laundering $3 million in drug profits through bank accounts of their Brookyn synagogues.Dec. 13 - The Rev. George Crossley of Florida was convicted of attempting to hire a "hit man" to kill a rival evangelist. Crossley had engaged in sex with the rival's wife - and the rival ruined him by publicizing it.Nov. 17 - Islamic zealots who want to create a theocracy in Egypt massacred 58 tourists visiting the ancient tombs of the Nile Valley.Mid-November - Teen believers at Maranatha Church in St. Albans, WV, suffered uncontrollable twitching and jerking for weeks after a revival.Nov. 12 - Two more Muslim terrorists were convicted of bombing New York's World Trade Center, an attack which they hoped would topple the twin towers and kill a quarter-million Americans.Nov. 11 - An abortion doctor at Winnipeg, Canada, was wounded by a sniper bullet fired through a window of his home. Two other Canadian physicians previously were wounded by "pro-life" snipers.Nov. 3 - Three "Phineas priests" who bombed abortion clinics and robbed banks for their white supremacy cause drew life prison terms in Spokane, WA. One of them read the Bible aloud for 35 minutes in the courtroom, and called the court a "temple of Satan."Oct. 23 - The Rev. Michael Flippo of West Virginia was convicted of smashing his wife to death with a stick of firewood.Oct. 22 - Ten Santeria worshipers began performing occult rites over a corpse in a Miami funeral home - but got into a quarrel that turned into a pistol shootout, wounding some of the group.Oct. 16 - The Rev. Andras Pandy, a Belgian minister and religion teacher, was charged with murdering five family members and sexually molesting his daughters.Sept. 22 - Born-again businessman John Bennett of Pennsylvania, who created an investment foundation to "do God's work," was sentenced to 12 years in prison for swindling churches and charities out of $135 million.Sept. 4 - Three more Muslim suicide bombers killed themselves and nearby Jews in a Jerusalem pedestrian mall.Aug. 29 - Muslim rebels trying to turn Algeria into a theocracy massacred 300 residents of Rais, a village 15 miles south of Algiers. Victims had their throats cut, or were decapitated, or were burned. Some heads were left on doorsteps by the religious insurgents.August - Evidence continued emerging that the Rev. Henry Lyons, president of the 8-million-member National Baptist Convention, lived like a maharajah on church money, and gave some of it to his lovers.Aug. 22 - Brendan Smyth - a child-molesting priest who caused the Irish government to fall - died in an Irish prison, where he was serving a 12-year term for sodomizing 20 boys and girls. The former government collapsed in 1994 when it was revealed that the attorney general had scuttled efforts to extradite Smyth to Ulster to face child abuse charges.August - In a one-week period, mobs in Senegal, Africa, killed eight people, contending that they were witches who touched men and made their penises shrink.July 31 - New York police shot and captured two Muslim zealots who were making bombs. One confessed that they intended to detonate the bombs in subways.July 30 - Two Muslim suicide bombers killed themselves and a dozen Jews in a crowded Jerusalem outdoor market.July 28 - Muslim militants in Algeria killed 50 more people in a town 20 miles south of Algiers. They cornered the townspeople at gunpoint, then cut their throats. More than 60,000 have died in Algeria's five-year jihad (holy war).July 24 - A Texas jury returned a record $120 million verdict against the Dallas Catholic diocese because priest Rudolph Kos molested many altar boys (one of whom eventually committed suicide) and the church conspired to conceal it.July 16 - Shi'ite Muslim militants on motorcycles roared through Lahore, Pakistan, gunning down four members of a rival Sunni Muslim group, the Guardians of Friends of the Prophet - bringing to 150 the number of Pakistanis killed in Sunni-Shi'ite clashes this year.July 15 - An 18-year-old Catholic girl, asleep at the Belfast home of her Protestant boyfriend, was killed by four shots - apparently a Protestant assassination in retaliation for several recent Ulster murders by Catholic militants of the Irish Republican Army.July 14 - Accused of beating his wife to death with a stick of firewood, the Rev. Michael Flippo of Landmark Church of God in Nitro, West Virginia, was to stand trial -- but collapsed and was rushed to a hospital instead.July 1 - Armed robber Harold McQueen, who killed a young woman clerk in a convenience store stickup, died in Kentucky's electric chair. Before his execution, he told reporters he's a devout Catholic who welcomed the death chamber as a "gateway to heaven... I can go to the Lord's house."Late June - In Israel, a Jewish woman artist drew a poster of the prophet Muhammad as a pig, and pasted it on Muslim shops in Hebron. The insult triggered a week of Muslim riots that injured dozens of people.June 30 - Algerian troops killed 20 Muslim guerrillas in another battle with religious militants who want to turn Algeria into a theocracy.June 30 - An Israeli court convicted Muslim fanatic Hassan Salameh of arranging three 1996 suicide bombings that killed 46 Israelis.June 29 - The Living Church magazine reported that an Episcopal Church investigation confirmed allegations, raised in Penthouse magazine, that Episcopal priests in Brooklyn held sex orgies with youths, including young men brought from Brazil.June 27 - A teen-age girl testified in Provo, Utah, that her father, John Chaney, leader of a Mormon polygamy sect, repeatedly had sex with her and forced her to marry a middle-aged man when she was 13.June 26 - In Japan, Yasuo Hayashi, a top lieutenant of the Supreme Truth cult, pleaded guilty to helping release nerve gas in Tokyo's subway in 1995, an attack that killed 12 people and sickened 5,000.June 24 - Muslim terrorists cut the throats of 18 Algerians, including a 6-month-old baby, in the village of Mouzaia, as part of their "jihad" (holy war) to make Algeria a theocracy.June 24 - A Cairo judge struck down an Egyptian law banning genital mutilation of girls, a custom practiced in several African Muslim nations to deaden women's sexual pleasure and keep them "pure" for husbands.June 16 - Catholic terrorists killed two Northern Ireland police officers with point-blank shots to the head.June 11 - Orthodox Jews who think it is sinful for men and women to pray together threw rocks and bags of excrement at mixed groups of people visiting the "Wailing Wall" in Jerusalem.June 10 - Dennis and Lorie Nixon, members of the Faith Tabernacle Congregation in Altoona, Pa., were sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for letting their teen-age daughter die of treatable diabetes. Instead of getting medical help for the girl, they prayed over her and anointed her with holy oil. Two years earlier, the Nixons similarly let their 8-year-old son die of an ear infection.June 10 - Federal agents announced that a shadowy group of abortion-fighters called the "Army of God" is suspected of two Atlanta bombings - on Jan. 16 at an abortion clinic and on Feb. 21 at a gay nightclub.June 6 - Christopher Rowland of Los Angeles was sentenced to 16-years-to-life in prison because he thought his teen-age girlfriend was a vampire, so he stabbed her to death, then placed crystals around her head and draped a black pentagram on her body.June 6 - A bomb presumably planted by Sikh terrorists killed seven bus riders in northern India. The blast occurred on the 13th anniversary of an Indian army raid on Sikh militants who had barricaded themselves inside their religion's holiest shrine, the Golden Temple at Amritsar.June 6 - Imam Mohamed Kerzazi, a French Muslim holy man who killed a teen-age girl while trying to "exorcise demons" from her, was sentenced to seven years in prison by a French court. To drive out demons, he had beat the girl with a bamboo stick, dunked her head under water, and forced her to swallow several quarts of salt water. The imam testified that he merely was following exorcism rules he had been taught during clerical training in Saudi Arabia.June 5 - U.N. war crimes probers found 57 buried bodies in Croatia - presumably Croatian Catholics killed by Orthodox Christian Serbs in former Yugoslavia's tragic Muslim-Catholic-Orthodox war. A week earlier, 39 Serbs were convicted of war crimes in Croatia.May 31 - Universal Church of God pastor Ellis Butler of Shirley, Arkansas, was sentenced to 60 years in prison for raping three church school girls.May 29 - China executed eight Muslim fanatics convicted of bus bombings and other violence that killed 18 and wounded 60 in Xinjaing province.May 29 - A teen-age Canadian Indian boy was acquitted of manslaughter after he testified that he beat a man to death with a ceremonial walrus bone because he thought the man was an evil spirit called the Bearwalker.May 16 - Ardent Jew Avi Kostner of New Jersey was sentenced to two life terms because he killed his 12-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son, rather than let them be raised as non-Jews.May - Palestinian Justice Minister Freih Abu Medein announced that any Muslim caught selling land to a Jew would be executed - and three Arabs suspected of such land-selling were found murdered soon afterward.May 15 - Muslim terrorists armed with hatchets and knives massacred 30 Algerian villagers -- more than half of them children -- in their campaign to impose a religious government on Algeria.May 13 - Protestant terrorists in Ulster abducted a Catholic social club operator and killed him with a shot in the head.May - The Rev. Leroy Shanks of Racine, Wisc., pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl while "counseling" her.May 13 - Two Lebanese newspapers reported that a Muslim terrorist group called "God's army" had acquired 23 surface-to-air rockets and planned to shoot down the aircraft of Pope John Paul II during his visit to Lebanon, but police vigilance prevented the missiles from entering the country.May 11 - Muslim militants who oppose Turkey's secular government firebombed an American-run high school for girls at Izmir.May 9 - Roger Katz, a New Mexico junior high school teacher, testified that he made love to one of his 14-year-old students because they both were reincarnated from seventh-century Tibet, where the girl had saved his life by taking an arrow meant for him. The judge doubted his reincarnation explanation, and sentenced Katz to a year and a half in jail.May 9 - Catholic terrorists shot and killed an off-duty Protestant policeman in a Northern Ireland pub - two weeks after a Protestant mob kicked to death a Catholic man who was walking in a Protestant neighborhood.May 6 - Two more members of the Heaven's Gate cult in California attempted to "shed their containers" and travel to a different dimension. One suicide succeeded, and the other failed.May 6 - A Catholic priest, the Rev. Eugene Emo of Bath, N.J., was sentenced to jail for sexually molesting a mentally disabled man.May 3 - In Indonesia, a "sorcerer" who charged women to cast spells on their husbands and boyfriends confessed to police that he murdered 42 of the women. He showed officers where to dig up 40 bodies.April - The Rev. Jeffrey Horton of Liberty Christian Center in Michigan was sentenced to jail for planting hidden video cameras in women's restrooms.April 22 - Taliban religious zealots who rule Afghanistan enforced Islamic law by chopping off the hand and foot of a convicted man.April - Jenny Gallegos, 16-year-old honor student in Perry County, Pennsylvania, was strangled to death by her religious father because she said a swear word. He told police that Satan made him do it.March 29 - Hindu Indian troops killed 22 armed Muslim militants holed up in a building outside Kashmir's holiest shrine, the Hazratbal Mosque, which houses a sacred relic, a whisker from Muhammad's beard. About 15,000 Kashmiris have been killed in a six-year Muslim insurrection against Hindu rule.March 28 - A young Afghan woman was stoned to death for being in company of man who wasn't a relative. Afghanistan's zealous Taliban rulers force women to wear head-to-toe shrouds, and impose other puritanical laws.March 26 - Thirty-nine adherents of the Heaven's Gate cult were found dead in a San Diego mansion. Their mass suicide was based on the cult's belief that members could "shed their containers" and travel to a UFO behind the Hale-Bopp comet.March 21 - A Muslim suicide bomber killed himself and three Jewish women at an outdoor cafe in Tel Aviv. The blast injured 46 others.March - Catholic priest Brendan Smyth of Belfast, Ireland, who already served four years in prison for child molesting, pleaded guilty to 74 new sexual offenses stemming from his long career as a molester.March 21 - Five more members of the Solar Temple cult -- who think that death transports them to a planet named Sirius (not the star Sirius) -- died in a fiery suicide in Canada, bringing the cult's death toll to 74 in three years.March 13 - A Jordanian Muslim soldier opened fire on Jewish schoolgirls visiting an island in the Jordan River, killing seven girls and wounding six.March - The Rev. Aaron LeBaron of the Church of the Lamb of God, a Mormon polygamy sect, was convicted of sending "missionaries" to kill three defectors and one's little girl. He inherited the western cult from his father, Ervil LeBaron, who sired 54 children by 13 wives and committed many murders before dying in Utah state prison in 1981. In mid-June, Aaron was sentenced to 45 years in prison.March - A North Carolina jury ordered Methodist minister Ed Privette to pay $420,000 damages to two women he sexually molested at his church.February - Jin Choi, a deacon in Glendale Korean Presbyterian Church in California, pleaded guilty to helping two other exorcists beat "evil spirits" out of a woman for six hours, causing her death.Feb. 16 - The Indianapolis Star reported that 16 priests in the regional diocese had committed sex offenses in recent years, many of them against children.February - The Rev. Bryan Buckley of Christ Community Church in St. Charles, Ill., drew a seven-year prison term for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl.Jan. 20 - The Ghanian Times reported that enraged mobs beat 12 "sorcerers" to death in Ghana, because the shamans were suspected of practicing magic that made men's penises shrink.January - Church of God minister Scott Hogan of New Castle, Pa., was charged with "flashing" women on a store parking lot. Last year he pleaded guilty to burglary and indecent exposure.Jan. 1 - A Jewish soldier who thinks God gave the Holy Land to Jews opened fire on Muslims in Hebron -- and Islamic terrorists retaliated in subsequent days by planting bombs in Tel Aviv.-------------------------------------------MAJOR EVENTS OF PREVIOUS YEARS-- September 1996: Afghanistan's Muslim fundamentalist government was overthrown by even stronger extremists of the Taliban militia, an army of former seminary students, who ordered men to grow beards and women to wear shrouds. People were herded at gunpoint into mosques and forced to pray five times a day.-- September 1996: After Israeli Jews extended an archeological tunnel on Jerusalem's Temple Mount, Palestinian Muslims felt that their sacred shrines were violated, and rebelled in rioting that killed 79 and wounded 1,600.-- Summer 1996: When militant Protestants tried repeatedly to march through Catholic neighborhoods in Ulster, riots caused $30 million damage.-- June 1996: A huge truck bomb, presumably planted by Muslim fanatics, destroyed a U.S. military compound in Saudi Arabia, killing 19 Americans and injuring 270.-- April 1996: After Hezbollah (Party of God) guerrillas in southern Lebanon increased their rocket attacks on northern Israeli towns, Israel struck back with fierce raids -- and accidentally killed 90 Muslim civilians sheltered in a U.N. camp in Lebanon.-- April 1996: At a Cairo hotel, Muslim terrorists screaming "God is great!" opened fire on Greek Christians making an Easter tour of the Holy Land, killing 18 and wounding 21.-- March 1996: Another suicidal Muslim blew up another bus in Jerusalem, killing 19 more, mostly Jews. The following day, a different suicide bomber killed a dozen Jews in a Tel Aviv shopping center.-- February 1996: Two more Muslim suicide bombers became "martyrs" by triggering two Jerusalem explosions that killed 23 people, mostly Jews, including two American students.-- February 1996: Northern Ireland's Catholic-Protestant hate flared again when the terrorist Irish Republican Army detonated more bombs in London, killing three people and causing millions of dollars worth of damage.-- December 1995: Sixteen more members of the Solar Temple cult died in a murder-suicide on winter solstice day in France. Most of the bodies were arranged in a star formation.-- November 1995: A militant Jew who said he was acting "on orders from God" assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Several ultra-Orthodox colleagues were charged with him. Israeli writer Amos Oz called them "a loose conglomerate of mad-dog fundamentalists," and remarked: "It is typical of religious fanatics, Christian, Muslim or Jew, that the `orders' they get from God are always essentially one order: Thou shalt kill."-- November 1995: Muslim terrorists who hope to turn Egypt into a theocracy dispatched a suicide zealot to ram an explosives-laden truck into the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan, killing 17 and wounding 60.-- Late 1995: Killings between Catholic Croats, Orthodox Serbs and Muslim Bosnians finally subsided in the former Yugoslavia, a tragic land wrecked by religious tribalism.-- All of 1995: Killings between Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims continued to plague India, a nation long cursed by religio-ethnic conflict.-- Summer 1995: Muslim fanatics from Algeria planted several bombs in France, including one in a Paris subway that killed seven and wounded 90.-- July 1995: An Islamic suicide bomber aboard a Tel Aviv bus killed six Jews and himself.-- March 1995: Poison gas loosed in Tokyo's subway killed 12 commuters and sickened 5,500. Police charged leaders of the secretive Supreme Truth sect, whose adherents kissed their guru's big toe, paid $2,000 each for a sip of his bathwater, and paid $10,000 for a drink of his blood.-- January 1995: Two Muslim suicide bombers killed themselves and 21 Jews at Beit Lid, Israel.-- December 1994: Muslim fanatics who want to turn Algeria into a theocracy hijacked a French airliner, murdered three passengers, and planned to kill 100 more in a firebombing explosion over Paris, but commandos thwarted them.-- December 1994: A Catholic zealot killed two women at abortion clinics in Massachusetts. Screaming "You should pray the Rosary," he fired 10 bullets into one woman. It was the third fatal clinic attack in America in two years.-- October 1994: An Islamic suicide bomber blew up a bus full of Jews in Israel, killing at least 22 and wounding multitudes.-- September 1994: In Switzerland, 48 members of the Solar Temple died in a mass murder-suicide. Many bodies were found in ceremonial robes in a secret underground chapel lined with mirrors. Clusters of dead children were in three ski chalets. In Quebec, four more victims were found at a Solar Temple branch. The Canadian group had been stockpiling guns to prepare for the end of the world.
London independent/23 June 2004
Italian authorities plan to exhume at least two more corpses as part of a widening investigation into satanic rites, heavy metal music and human sacrifice that has kept the nation agog for the past three weeks.
At least three murders of a ritual type are already pinned on the semi-professional heavy metal musicians from the Beasts of Satan band and their plumber friend, all now in custody, who police believe to be the leaders of a satanic sect known by the same name. The men, all in their 20s, are accused of stabbing and shooting their victims, then burying them still alive in a lonely wood.
But after checking records of other deaths in recent months in the district of Legnano, on the outskirts of Milan, particularly those that occurred when the moon was full or new, police have alighted on two suicide cases that were particularly baffling: two young men, at least one of them close to the alleged Satanists, both of whom worked in the Legnano cemetery and both of whom killed themselves in the past six months.
Angelo Lombardo, 28, a guard at the cemetery, was the first to die. On a Sunday afternoon last December he went into the porter's lodge at the cemetery, doused himself in petrol and set himself on fire. Visitors to the cemetery found him still in flames and writhing in agony. He was taken to hospital with 80 per cent burns but died four days later. Then, in May this year, his friend Luca Colombo, 21, a florist at the same cemetery, hanged himself from a tree in his parent's garden. He is known to have been friendly with some members of the sect, and particularly close to Nicola Sapone, the plumber who is thought to be its leader.
Before his death, Luca confided in friends and relatives that he was frightened. A local woman who claims to have been his girlfriend for five months told Corriere della Sera newspaper, "For the first three months he was happy, funny and very sweet. Then suddenly he changed. He wasn't himself any more: nervous, bad tempered, always scowling ... Just once he said that one day he would explain [the problem], but that moment never arrived." As more evidence, if so far only circumstantial, of the sect's crimes emerges from the ground, people have begun coming forward to denounce the police for failing to follow up satanic leads from years ago. Pasqualina Antonini, the mother of Chiara Marino, who died from stab wounds and whose remains were discovered earlier this month, has told reporters she gave police a full account of the Satanists she held responsible soon after her daughter's disappearance more than six years ago. Her statement, which was broadcast on local radio this week, named all three of the principal accused: Mario Maccione, fellow band member Andrea Volpe and the plumber Nicola Sapone.
Leiam também:
Killing the Buda
"The idea of "killing the Buddha" comes from a famous Zen line, the context of which is easy to imagine: After years on his cushion, a monk has what he believes is a breakthrough: a glimpse of nirvana, the Buddhamind, the big pay-off. Reporting the experience to his master, however, he is informed that what has happened is par for the course, nothing special, maybe even damaging to his pursuit. And then the master gives the student dismaying advice: If you meet the Buddha, he says, kill him.
Why kill the Buddha? Because the Buddha you meet is not the true Buddha, but an expression of your longing. If this Buddha is not killed he will only stand in your way.
Why Killing the Buddha ? For our purposes, killing the Buddha is a metaphor for moving past the complacency of belief, for struggling honestly with the idea of God. As people who take faith seriously, we are endlessly amazed and enraged that religious discourse has become so bloodless, parochial and boring. Any God worth the name is none of these things. Yet when people talk about God they are talking mainly about the Buddha they meet. For fear of seeming intolerant or uncertain, or just for lack of thinking, they talk about a God too small to be God.
Killing the Buddha is about finding a way to be religious when we're all so self-conscious and self-absorbed. Knowing more than ever about ourselves and the way the world works, we gain nothing through nostalgia for a time when belief was simple, and even less from insisting that now is such a time. Killing the Buddha will ask, How can we be religious without leaving part of ourselves at the church or temple door? How can we love God when we know it doesn't matter if we do? Call it God for the godless. Call it the search for a God we can believe in: A God that will not be an embarrassment in twelve-thousand years. A God we can talk about without qualifications.
Killing the Buddha insists that if religion matters at all it matters enough to be taken to task. We believe it’s high time for a new canon to be created, and that the Web is just the place to collect it. We refuse to accept the internet as a world wide shopping mall. We know intuitively it can be a sort of Talmudic cathedral, a tool of transcendence made of words. We’re here to build it. If the end result looks more like Babel than the City of God, so be it. Babel, after all, came close."
O jornal reptiliano deixa ainda uma pequena dica ao caro leitor:
1. Se alguma vez pretender controlar seja que movimento for, fale de Liberdade, é o que as pessoas mais tem e a ideia pela qual mais a vendem. Junte-lhe um pouco de revolução, só para picar, por vezes é o ingrediente chave.
2. Se o leitor mostrar intenções de se mover no prisma religioso, com intenções sinceras de liberação, seja o primeiro adorador da sua divindade, destaque-se, no momento em que a mesma o convidar para jantar consigo, assassine-a, banhe-se no seu sangue, e devore o seu coração; coma a sua lingua, já agora. Assim o jornal reptiliano vende o seu peixe: você será livre.
3. Se o leitor encontrar vestigios de culto, informe imediatamente a policia, e se apanhar os membros do culto em flagrante, pegue na sua arma e mate-os, pois estes espalham-se como uma doença de loucura e demencia assassina. Você é o maior dos idiotas, seja como for, o mais louco e demente. Ah, por favor não se esqueça também de que prometer segurança, além de liberdade, é essencial para manipular o próximo. Geralmente o tolo à sua frente não saberá que a sua unica segurança jaz na sua liberdade. Se lhe apetecer mate-o também. A seguir dê um tiro na cabeça e vá-se foder na mesma fogueira de parafernália de engodo que os outros. O jornal aprecia o incenso seja como for.
A gerência