Jornal Reptiliano
O Jornal seguiu para Houston, onde de momento o desemprego aumenta e a má sorte atormenta. Os miseráveis atingidos por esta praga foram acusados de serem satânicos e logo dai o mau fado. Sacana do Mephistopheles já não faz nada decente. Todavia uma bruxa decidiu falar em publico e relacionar os recentes eventos com o alinhamento dos planetas, a população tornou-se de imediato mais pacifica, esquecendo-se que fora o diabo o mestre nas artes astrologicas.
Na cidade está a viver, precisamente, o Diabuda e decidimos saber a sua opinião sobre tudo isto:
"stare into the lion's eyes
and if you taste the candy
you'll get to the surprise"
Fomos conhecer Samantha a proposito desta mesma situação, questionando-a sobre os acontecimentos de foro pessoal nos ultimos tempos:
"My sister's husband has been sexually harrassing me for 8years, and sometimes it was right in front of her face. So when I got it on tape and showed her, she came up with some stuff, that I "asked" for it and that I wasn't a jehovah's witness, and that until I made some serious efforts to be one, that we weren't sisters and she wouldn't talk to me. Before that, I didn't have a place to live, and she refused to let me move in with her unless I became a jehovah's witness, heart and soul, bible study, meetings, everything. My other option was the street. In addition to that, she charged me an enormous amount of rent and controlled my every move when I lived with her, and when I tried to talk to her about it, her answer was that if i didn't like it, I could get out. That's what xtianity gave me.
Your sister in Satan"
Curiosos sobre Willblood não pudemos deixa-lo de fora desta pesquisa:
"As long as you keep the darkness in your soul you will never be alone. Start listening to the demons that are trying to speak to you, trust me they are, you just have to learn how to listen. There have been times when my demons were my only friends and they showed me secrets and wonders that no one will ever understand."
Daqui o Jornal Reptiliano com o Tempo,
uma vez mais a rouba-lo orgulhosamente com noticias completamente irrelevantes.
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