Jornal Reptiliano
Noticia de primeira Página:
Discurso de Cipreste:
"Jóvem povo Ocidental, eu preocupo-me, antes de mais, com a sanidade dos habitantes sob as estrelas, estes não sabem ainda que são os habitantes das estrelas, e que caminham sobre o infinito do espaço, igualmente infindos! Assim hoje vos falo eu da espiritualidade, e porquê? Porque eu desejo honrar os antepassados da minha cultura, vindos precisamente do Oriente, do Antigo Egipto, onde o Faraó era também o sumo sacerdote. Senhores e senhoras, o Papa já não nos serve, também a santidade não está ao alcance de todos, nem todo o homem tem facil acesso à epsiritualidade, mas todo o homem conhece de cor a cor do sarcasmo e do humor. Assim vos peço, que nos riamos! O homem ocidental deve deixar de levar seja o que for a sério! Pois a sua doença consiste na fixidez da sua realidade! O humor levará a cabo a extreminação do seu próprio gracejo! Eis ai, quando limpo o campo de percepção do homem, a verdadeira santidade, livre para ser exercida."
Cipreste manejou-se então de forma a apoiar um seu rival na disputa pela presidência, surpreendendo os seus próprios apoiantes:
"Outro Rei compete comigo, mas eu devo mostrar que nenhum rei se atravessa no caminho de outro, pois a verdadeira soberania é sempre absoluta e livre de impedimentos. William Young Blood, ou será Will My Young Blood, ou... Will My Young Butt?... implantou a ideia de que todos os votos sejam documentados, devolvendo o poder aos votantes, e levando aqueles que desistem do seu voto (porque no seu inconsciente, acreditam que não fará diferença) a voltar. Esta ideia será completamente apoiada por mim, arracaremos o poder aos fascistas dos quais todos somos simples comodidade."
Um nosso infiltrado comentador, Jon Sheline, recrutado da comunidade satanica intitulada de Deidade, deixou-nos, sobre o assunto, as seguintes palavras:
"However, this idea relies on the premise that governmental corruption operates on a single plane, in two dimensions. In reality, the corruption is three-dimensional. It's a tangled, sticky web of malignant strands connecting the government, corporations, and (surprise) the church. The government (federal, state, and local) may be giving the edicts, but the control comes from big business (with countless agendas, none of which involve the well-being of the people) and the church (which survives by devouring the lives of the weak-minded). It's an unholy trinity; and like all corrupt systems, doomed to collapse under its own massive weight before we the people can affect real change.But hey, don't let me be mistaken for a resigned doomsayer who incessantly chants, "give it up,there's nothing we can do, all is lost." Doing something is better than doing nothing, and Your idea sounds like something.In the meantime, let's remember that there are still freedoms we enjoy, so smoke 'em if you got 'em! HAIL SATAN! "
Suspeita-se de uma aliança entre os dois candidatos. Porém, WillMyoungBlood arrojou o seu discurso de forma a não poupar votos a Cipreste:
"Think back to the 50s the most controlled time in our recent history, human are not that placid by nature and the 60s prooved that because the children of the 50s didn't buy into the brainwashing and started seeing things for themselves, and erupted and fought back against their oppessors, but unfortunatly they too were returned to the flockeventually because they needed jobs and after a whjile they gave up their freedoms for survival, then it was just easier to do as your told, more profitable and made life not so hard... AVE!"
Eis os comentários dos nossos agentes no planeta:
"Ignorance is bliss." - "Life is easier when you are lazy and stupid"
Cipreste repostou:
"A realidade humana está sempre disposta à fixidez, em contrário à fluidez, dai criam-se os sistemas, que permitem um minimo de manobra daquilo que já é fixo. A isto chamamos entropia, a gravidade que leva o homem à estagnação, ela começa pelas forças naturais e fisicas deste planeta, até à forma como pensamos. Os sons guturais que a nossa garganta emana, são transformados em sistema por via da nossa linguagem, ainda assim, a nossa linguagem é limitada, porque o homem não aprendeu ainda a usa-la para o nobre proposito da desconstrução. Assim se passa com a politica, habituados estão à sua sistematização, ora politica de esquerda, ora politica de direita. Mas a politica está presente em qualquer acto que influencie o universo. Deixemos, com paciência, que se torne no próprio Universo, e todo o politico será um Iluminado. Vocês chamavam à ordem a negação das várias possibilidades em proveito de uma, eu chamoa isso desordem, sendo que só o sistema fechado está, curiosamente, sujeito a este virus que de nós fez mecânicos. Citando Austin Osman Spare - 'From birth I have lived in a chaos as of normality, everything around me like a nagging termagrants...' Hoje em dia, o trono é dos cobardes, dos parasitas! Eu venho por um fim ao medo! O desconhecido não mais deve ser temido: o medo deve ser abraçado, meditado, até evocado, então tomando conta dele, declarando a responsabilidade de tomar conta dele! Devemos transformar-nos no novo Dragão da Iluminação! Esta é a Nova Ordem! 'De todo não temais; não temais nem homens nem destinos, nem deuses, nem coisa alguma. Dinheiro não temais, nem risada da tolice do povo, nem um outro poder no céu ou sobre a terra ou sob a terra. Nu é vosso refugio como Hadit vossa luz; e eu sou a potência, força, vigor de vossas armas' "
Marilyn Manson, integrado desde a ultima edição como um dos nossos colaboradores, elogiou-nos com a sua negação-afirmação "This isn't me, I'm not mechanical", o Santo Fausto colaborou:
"As we move into the 21st century, we are seeing the decline of two formerly closed systems of thought. The first is Communism, which has largely died in the West. The second is democracy. Our society faces vulnerabilities from outside because we are not a closed system. We exist in a world which is now one world, populated by others of all kinds. Even as we attempt to re-cohere in the face of changes to the way we've lived problems arise. Parents, understandably, are fearful for the welfare of their children. More and more the tendency to rigidly structure their lives to restrict outside influences appears in divergent ways."
Foi enviada, por parte de Jeff Buckley 777 Black and Blue, uma cassete com o comentário seguinte da situação planetária ocidental:
"I believe that the rise of globalism has brought humanity to a new path of evolution: the increase in information and the migrations, as well as the economic exchanges, has brought a decline in the structures of the societies: religion, protectionism, family values, sexual values, employment security, etc.In consequence, there is a breakdown, people abandon these structures and there is a trend toward more decentralized structures. An example is the deregulation of certain domains where the governments were involved.The Self has taken a new definition : Our notion of who we are, our identies, are no longer attached to these structures. For example, less people consider themselves in terms of nationality as their primary identity. Some see themselves as Punk, Musicians, Technologist, etc. Religious values are also in decline, waiting to be replaced. You might have an opinion about it..."
O nosso Santo Fausto parece ter apresentado a sua candidatura, tornando a disputa politica numa disputa de Reis e não tanto de vermes de caixão; Eis o seu discurso, enquanto o lobo que carrega os chifres se passeava, cheio de ódio, por detrás da assembleia, inundando o local de uma névoa extasiante.
"Under a steady stream of ever-present data, the deterioration must begin. I've come to see it as a subsequent deterioration of former social structures and the Western worldview.
"The influx of "other" cultures has radically changed how we can view the world. The tendency to fall back on so-called "family values" (which are largely social or social-sexual in relation) is merely part of Spengler's "Second Religiousness." It springs from the idea that those who came before us can somehow save us again. This is made nil when you realize that all Empires must fall, and that in truth "Pax-Americana" is not a true Democracy but an Empire. Our Imperialistic tactics will be spent as time goes on. The current threat of Peak-Oil Crisis, engagement of "other viewpoints" (such as the "Muslim Threat"), etc. is a sign that the deterioration cannot be stopped at this point. As such the need for structure amidst the "chaos" becomes predominant. This, however, ends up neglecting the fact that it will merely heighten the rapid decline. The clinging to values, and so forth will merely strengthen the "entropy" of the system. Hence so many youth suddenly embodying"Punk" or "Anarchist" (or "Anarcho-Punk") political and religious mentalities.
"The rise of "Corpocracy" over "Democracy" - who really voted in the last election - those with the money, or the people? We abandon our powers to living, sentient entities in the form of corporations (which have been treated as sentient, self-serving entities by our own courts - a very "magickal" way of looking at it if you ask me) so that they might invest meaning in us as other methods of obtaining meaning diminish. Thus we have pop culture; vapid, insecure, and satirical.
"This is what we could term "second tribalism." Where-as the psychic-emotional (relating to the psyche and emotions - not so-called "psychic powers) ties to identity were once forged through nationality or "nationalism" (in the case of Pax-Americana), they are diminishing as we become one culture, one world - with a rotting middle class. Thus the "tribe" and "herds" become subcultural. Self-identity becomes based on music, clothing assessment, tattoos... Means of branding and inducting into complex social structures with their own agendas... (Which may merely be nihilistic.) "Artists" are diminishing as they become "pornographers" in the sense of how Joyce related them. They are no longer struggling for "art" but the "big-time." Selling the product, pandering out the sexual leanings of their "art" - be it music or otherwise. The most successful artists now utilize their talents for massive corporations, diminishing the true "art cultures" we once had into satires of"fake it and make it". Ironically, those that cling to the diminishing ideal (art) end up hurt the worst when they become consumed by the very thing they sought to get out there... It reminds me of the recent Revolver interview with Tool, where Maynard James Keenan said that all record executives could fuck off if they couldn't Google Tool and figure out why an album from them took so fucking long.
"Religion as we know it is dying. Satanism was, in my opinion, the first step towards this. By re-classifying heresy and other aspects as a valid "religion" Lavey did something fairly novel on a main-stream level. Former "religions" cling to impermanent views they wish to make permanent. As such they fail as cultures advance. Consider the hysterical stance of the "Catholic Church" which refuses to even acknowledge contraceptives, and declares them (like everything else in human nature) "evil." As HIV and other problems become more prevalent they stick to the idea that teenagers will never rebel and have sex, or if they do they deserve the "divine wrath" of dying from a hideous disease. Protestantism is no better in the West. The influx of information into the Middle East has led to the systemic rise of "Fundamentalism" so profound they'd kill us all simply because we don't see things the same way.
Religion, or at least past structures, are on their way out. Unfortunately the next "religious" or "spiritual structures" will either have to be created or taken from what we have... And one must worry as to what would happen of Scientology - pop-faddish and rediculous as it is - became the "next big thing" in the West. We'd better work at forging something better, otherwise one may soon find new Messiahs in the forms of ego-maniacs who created personality cults based on fictive elements and getting laid.As the chaos and tide of entropy sets in, I have high hopes. It just takes a few to re-react a new world-view and schema to access "self" and "reality" - but then, how do we find those 'chosen few'?"
Cipreste chegou com a conclusão provinda do Livro da Lei:
"'os reis serão reis para sempre: os escravos servirão. Nenhum existe que será elevado ou derrubado: tudo é sempre como foi. Ainda assim existem mascarados meus servidores: pode ser que aquele mendigo ali seja um Rei. Um Rei pode escolher a sua roupa como quiser: não existe teste certo: mas um mendigo não pode esconder a sua pobreza. Tolo! Se ele é um Rei, tu não o poderás ferir. Portanto golpeia duro e baixo, e ao inferno com eles!' Porém tudo pelo Amor! Tudo pelo Amor! Tudo pelo Amor!"
Neste momento o Lobo Ornado alimentou-se do sangue menstrual da Grande Prostituta, perfurou-a, e vestiu-lhe a pele, carregando o sacrificio do Grande Sabbath. A assembleia inteira participou de uma orgia inebriante. É com interesse que a comunidade reptiliana observa a mudança social no mundo dos mortos e adormecidos.
A Gerencia
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