Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ela a Lobo, ela de Chifres:

Selvagem, persegue, e desconfiada ali alcança.

Selvagem, na esperança, de que o sonho seja dança.

Selvagem, à espera, do dialogo perfeito na negra fera.

O seu faro é o perfume dos antigos,
a sua carne o monumento aos veios de venus,
o seu coração não tem abrigos
por isso percorre a fundo o mundo e, onde arde
segura a chispa da Chama Secreta e disforma
o ferro dos homens.

O amor é a palavra,
a beleza ética
mas sem amarra.

O medo atrai-a,
ao coração que segura
ali obrigando-o a rendição.

Alguns dizem que é oraculo,
eu digo que é vulcão
emanando, lá do centro
o caldeirão da perfeição.

Lança ali uma palavra
e depois de silenciada,
ela escapa, melodiosa citarra
em hinos a Lucifer e à sua Esposa;

falando e visionando,
o mundo iluminando e eclipsando,
a perfeição da sua boca está velada,
e quando troveja,
é jubilosa gargalhada.

Selvagem, nenhuma corrente de ferro;
a ferreira do seu dialecto;
Amor é a palavra, e a corrente de rosas
a sua lavra.

"It was twilight, we were eating. A pack charged into the middle of our camp, nine of them chasing a young caribou. They'd already hobbled him and they knew he was theirs.

They brought that caribou down right in front of my tent. I was standing ten feet away, but they didn't see me. They were raving mad. Bloodlust is the only word for it. One of them had his hind legs in the campfire. I could smell his fur burning.

They tore his hams apart and ate his intestines. They were deep inside him. He was still grunting and struggling. It went on for twenty minutes. Finally, when the caribou was dead and they'd eaten half his carcass, they woke up and realized where they were.

To say they take pleasure in it - that doesn't come close. Killing is like sex for them, a state of rapture. We're omnivores, we have a little of that in us, but the wolf's role in the ecology of ungulate prey populations, doesn't quite capture it."

Rich Shapero


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